Monday, August 30, 2010


Currently packing for my trip to London, and it is quite difficult. I am folding up everything to pack into two suitcases, and a couple carry-ons. Although I am a guy, I'm having trouble parting with some of my fav t-shirts in preparation for a small wardrobe. But don't worry Britain, my Back to Back World War Champs shirt will be seen far and wide while traveling throughout the other country that joins the US with our mutual title. My problem in London may be looking like I have any fashion sense whatsoever. I recently bought some David Seunglee Park style clothing. Yet I will not be rooting for Manchester United as dat Azzian would hope. That's right. I will be joining Joe Wenner as a Fulham FC fan. Pictures of me in that jersey will hopefully be soon after I arrive in London, Engaland. Dempsey is my new hero. My flight leaves at 6:40 pm on Wednesday, so all who want to wish me a fun trip should text me before then cus from then on my phone will be turned off!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Getting a Cell Phone

I'm having trouble finding a cell phone plan that my parents will accept as OK. The AU Abroad website seems to have their sites set on the PicCell plans, which I am happy to use, but the moms and pops can't seem to break away from Verizon. That will mean one of a couple different things. 1) I'll be getting a sweet globally capable phone 2) I'll get the worst phone ever with the PicCell plan that is cheapest 3) GoogleVoice will become my next best friend.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Enter All Who Like To Read My Words!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to post some sort of introduction to exactly what this blog will be about. Obviously the title is self explanatory. I will be traveling to London and am ready to experience fusion of my personality and way of life as JoePa into the culture of Londoners. The reception to my coming will be small if not limited to a simple "whats up I'm ..." from my new roommate, but I accept that the energy from my body entering the UK legally will most likely be hard to control after me coming into contact with various other people, and my presence will undoubtedly start a chain reaction of immeasurable destruction and power. Yes, that was a crazy attempt at a poly sci guy to make a physics nuclear fusion metaphor. Hope you enjoyed while it lasted. This blog will be used to document my travels throughout London and Europa, yet also just about whatever I feel like posting. It may become a wonk page at times, or it could become a place where I brag about my late night escapades in the social atmosphere that prefers pints over 12 oz cans. So in conclusion, my fusion will be the first attempt anyone has made at harnessing the power of one man named JoePa (JoePatt if you want) to experience London and its people to the fullest. After my initial experience in this broad and expansive city, I expect to take this experiment elsewhere and observations will be recorded in due posting time.

English is MY second language,
