Monday, November 22, 2010

I Have Almost Failed You

Readers, my lovely readers.

Whoops! Lemme try that again...

Viewers, my lovely viewers. I feel as though I may have failed you in terms of telling you what I'm doing and how much fun I'm having abroad. This I still blame on my lack of a computer, but to a certain extent I deserve some serious tongue flogging. But seriously, I don't think I deserve Passion of the Christ level stuff. Anyway, I will now attempt to finish my Germany trip, talk about my Paris trip, as well as give a good summary of my internship and what I'm doing lately. Then, we'll just let bygones be bygones and forget about the funny stuff in between. That is facebook chat/gchat conversation material!

So Michelle came to Frankfurt on Thursday night. My Aunt and I picked her up quite promptly, and then we went back to drink some alcohol/socialize. Michelle was really happy to get there safe and sound due to her fear of planes, so that was comforting. Yeah, I mean comforting to land the plane successfully. I know its not that exciting, but just think if YOU were afraid of flying. Yeah, I know, scary huh?

So the next day I went out on the town with Michelle to show her Frankfurt in all its glory. After going on a tour for 4.5 hours on Tuesday, I luckily remembered basically EVERYTHING about Frankfurt. That meant I was pretty much the best tour guide of all time. Michelle was basically fawning all over me for my great tour guide skills and excessive knowledge of the city. I impressed so hard. We even got frankfurters successfully, which brought up in my mind JFK's memorable quote, "Ich bin ein Berliner." Props to Kabak for that gchat conversation. We have a lot of cute pics up on facebook, that I will now tempt your eyes with: BAM!

Oops! Can't forget the trip to the German communications museum. I really did like it, but at that point we were a little tired, Michelle's ankle hurt, and everything was in German. How were we supposed to understand the communications museum without being able to communicate? Um. But great pictures nonetheless.

We then came back to lil ole Liederbach and got ready to go see a concert at the opera house in Frankfurt. The cool part about that is the environmental consciousness included in the concert. With the ticket you buy, you also get a train ticket included, which promotes the use of public transportation into the city instead of the use of cars. SO GREEN! The concert was actually really good and I found out that Germans love to clap. I'm talking they just clap for ages and ages and ages. No whistling, no woo hooing, no standing up, just straight up clapping for 10 minutes straight. It was both something to admire, and to abhore. But lets be honest, every culture is weird.

The next day the whole family took a nice trip to the Rhine. Well, to be honest, it wasn't the whole family since Martin and Julius had just gotten their feet operated on, so they got to sit at home and chill out all day. Also, they've been to the Rhine a lot at this point. We went to a nice little river festival, where there was this tasty type of wine they served everywhere. It had not been entirely fermented, so it was still extremely sweet, and to be fair, really delicious.

We then got to walk around the Rhine, take some more cute pictures, and go up to this huge monument that declared Germany united. Apparently it was the first time Germany had been united for a very long time(all time) so a monument seemed crucial.  The monument was at the top of a really large hill overlooking the Rhine, so we got to take this little car all the way up over the wine fields to the coldest and windiest place ever it seemed. But it was really peaceful and serene, especially when we went to a little convent overlooking the river as well. It had great views of everything, and we had a lot of fun. And yes, Helen did wave at every single person we passed in the ride to the top of the mountain.

Sunday Aunt Becky took Michelle and I to the German version of Versailles. Unfortunately I cannot remember what its called, so if anyone knows PLEASE tell me. Its really embarrassing not knowing where we went. But my first description of the place was entirely accurate. It had nice classical German architecture with wonderful gardens and a nice little quaint town.

The church there was insane. There was this big picture of Jesus looking down at you, and its eyes followed you everywhere. Talk about creepy. No wonder people in Europe sometimes don't like churches. Michelle and I took some cute pictures in the gardens and really enjoyed the feel(especially a weekend before we went to Versailles!). There was a really oddly placed Indian wedding taking place while we were there, and if anything threw of the atmosphere, BINGO. Don't worry, they were quiet. Of course, this was Halloween, so Michelle and I did have a chance to make a nice pumpkin for Helen and the twins. I hope they liked it, but we'll never know if my American skills translated to Europe. You can be the judge.

That night Michelle and I journeyed back to London again, leaving our beautiful trip behind. Many thanks to Aunt Becky, the twins, Carston, and Helen for a great trip, but regular duties back in the UK called. Namely, preparing for Paris. Ahhh yeah.

Sorry guys, I'm tired! I will now take out my contacts and then continue to blog and blog and blog and...

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