Monday, October 4, 2010

Are You Two A Couple? Well you should be.

My days in London have gotten seemingly more busy with school work and thus less fun in terms of going out and seeing the sights. But that just means I have more chances to get to blog about my roommates, random encounters with British people, and the now seemingly constant supply of rain.

Though, I would like to comment on the title of this post, since it does relate to something I experienced in my British people encounters I have basically everyday. It was last weekend after going out to a club in Soho with Michelle and her new UCL friends. Slightly a mistake because of our lack of alcohol drinking before the club, but it was still a good time. At the end of the night we walked back and were soooooo hungry. Luckily the subways here stay open til 5 am. Yeah, that's right. They stay open until 5 am and OPEN again at 8 am. So awesome right there. So we got a sandwich and decided to split it, but on the way in, these two British guys, obviously a little drunk, said to us, "You don't want the cookies. They're really awful." Both of the guys proceeded to buy two cookies each, and then we struck up a conversation with them over how they had so easily used the tactic of reverse psychology against us so they could get the last cookies.

One was a graduate student at UCL, while the other basically had the weirdest job I had ever heard of in my entire life. He was a physics major(shout out to Andrew) and became someone who scouted out potential good financial investments??? So not understandable at this point in the morning. But the one dude at UCL was actually really funny, a big dude, and in the fencing club. How does that work? Don't ask because he basically was just able to do it so easy. He also happened to be from Philadelphia, so he obviously had a British accent(what!). His friend with the weird job had a daughter, and while Michelle and I were talking with him commented on our couplyness. He goes, "So are you two together?" To which Michelle and I say yes. He then goes, "Well OK because I was about to say you should be. I'm Mr. Matchmaker tonight!" We left then because we were hungry for london subway.

The week was genuinely not that awesome because of how much work I had to do for class and planning trips. I'm blaming that for lack of cool blogging things. And you're not here so accept it at face value! I had a project in class on Wednesday, 8 page paper due on Friday. I also went to take care of Michelle because she came down with a cold as the weather has gotten quite dreary. But now for the funny upside parts!

My roommates are an especially interesting group in terms of personalities. I mean, what else makes people interesting? Paul really is just like a little kid. He continues to have a few catchphrases with his Miami accent that everyone jokes about. He keeps saying things like, "I miss Miami," as well as "Honduras," and "Nandos." Just imagine myself and Matt trying to imitate a Miami/Cuban accent by saying those words. Its pretty fun. Matt is my other bro in the house, and that is exactly how you should always describe him. If I ever want to get a pint/5 pints Matt's always down, which is a wonderful dynamic to replace Kyle from this summer. We also have the perfect woman, Monica. She's a great wingman, as Matt has experienced, and many days I come home to find she has cooked me food.

I should summarize everyone else, but really people, there can be only so many shout outs in one blog post. Chill. After I finished and printed my paper on Friday morning, I got probably the worst/most stressful wake up call at 7:30 or so. It was from miss Genna, who had got up early to catch a plane to Munich. She was flustered as all get-out and thought she was in the wrong terminal. She called and wanted Ruth to check for her airline, but Ruth had pulled an all nighter and she wasn't available. Therefore, I had to go on my computer and look up her flight information in order to make sure she actually got to her terminal and stuff on time. Ya know, I did, she got to her flight on time. She owes me something right?

Friday was absolutely tiresome and uneventful up to that point, yet I was very excited to watch my TV shows once michelle got her butt over here. That meant Modern Family, The Office, 30 Rock, then Jersey Shore TV marathon!! Yay for being sick in London!

Saturday was basically the same, except we did go to the Natural History Museum. It was really cool, but we were both tired and all the animals were not real. They were just fossils! We then came home and watched Get Him to the Greek in order to rest up for our trip Sunday!

We left at about 7:45 am for our day trip to Leeds Castle, Canterbury Cathedral, and Dover. It was really really really early in the morning so not cool, but definitely fun. We arrived at Leeds Castle and got to tour the grounds as well as the famous castles many rooms. I swear I have never seen grass so pretty than at Leeds Castle. The air was so refreshing and wonderful, I really wished I lived in the English countryside. We then made our way to Canterbury Cathedral, which is the oldest in all of England. This thing was insanely large I couldn't believe it. If you think the National Cathedral in DC is big, just imagine one twice as big and about 1500 years older. We also got to see the former tomb of THE Thomas Becket, who was such a holy dude. His tomb was actually destroyed by Henry VIII because that king just wanted to be more hated. We also saw the tomb of the Black Prince. He won a lot of battles against those bloody French. We then went to the White Cliffs of Dover. It was really pretty and apparently you can see the French coast on a clear day, but unfortunately it was raining and the fog covered most stuff up. We then headed back to London, which is surprisingly only about 1.5 hours away from Dover. The last hurrah in our trip was the passing of the Prime Meridian, which is where all time stops. Nooo thats not true, but it is the center of all time zones! Good 'ole Brits and their maritime traditions.

Now I'd like to rest, relax, and start writing a paper about my encounters with British people. Easy? Oh my gosh so easy. I mean the class is called British Life and Cultures. Come on! It is still a whopping 3 hours. Anyway, next update should be when I find out about my internship and what I'll be doing the last 2 months of this program. Jeez already a month!

Oy Oy!

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