Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Edinburgh Was Still Fun

So my computer didn't work, but Edinburgh was still a great experience. Waterhouse was nice enough to meet me at the train station(awwww so cute) and then he took me back to his flat. I wanted to turn my computer on to check if it worked so bad but I abstained in the interest of it maybe working the next day. We then went out to a local pub and got some haggis. It was actually quite delicious despite its awful reputation. Also got some delish October beer at the pub.

Waterhouse then took me out to a bar with his frazbee friends at Edinburgh. They were typical ultimate players ie going out and getting drunk the night before a tournament. It was a fun crowd to be stupid and drunk with as we played probably the simplest game ever. It consisted of everyone sitting around a table with their pints. One person spins a 2p coin. Then they call out someone's name at the table who tries to hit the coin at someone's glass. If your glass is hit, you have to drink while they spin the coin again. Simple and simply sloshing.

The next morning we got up and began a whisky tasting tour. Yay Scotch Whisky! Our travels took us to 6 or 7 different distilleries where we were given the finest whisky in the world. And yes, that IS how you spell whisky. HA! Our favorite place turned out to be something called the Scotch Whisky Experience. This place had bartenders who knew more about whisky than I do about tickle fights. If you don't get that joke I'm sorry for you. Anyway, these bartenders were able to tell us what to try and taste, where the whisky was from, how old it was, really cool stuff like that. Our favorite whisky was found on the island of Islay. It had a smokey flavor to it that we had basically never experienced. We liked it because of just how smooth and rich it was comparably with the whisky based off of fruit flavors.

We took a break midway through to go to Edinburgh Castle. Somehow Waterhouse had never been there yet. Whateves. It was really effing cold up there, with the wind basically ripping through us. Besides that the castle was sweet. It had actually been attacked, which made it that much cooler, and there were some great crowned jewels to admire. We then continued our whisky tour gallantly. Except for the one problem that Waterhouse apparenlty doesn't look 18 and his Michigan ID is flimsy. We went to this one bar where the guy immediately asked for our IDs. I was cleared, but then Waterface handed over his(dumb). The guy took a look at it, looked at Waterhouse, flipped the card around a bit, and said, "its a bit flimsy." Water replied with the brilliant line, "just a normal ID." The guy then said he wasn't going to accept it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Last thing I thought would happen happened. Waterhouse got denied for not being 18. We did indeed carry on with the trip, going to a few other places to get some more fine spirits in our blood. The whisky was good, we had a great buzz, and it was a wonderful day.

The next day we proceeded to go to frisbee practice with Edinburgh! Woooo! They were surprisingly dominated by a lot of Americans who were studying there as well. Instead of just doing regular ultimate, they played this weird game called gultimate. The way it works is the same as regular ultimate except you have to throw the disc through a big hoop thing and catch it in a certain area to score. Really weird but also a really good workout. While ultimate is supposedly continuous, gultimate actually is continuous. After you score, you just start running again and play. It was fun to play some sort of frazbee though, since I always miss the Imperial College practices due to traveling/class/my internship.

We then went to do some more sight seeing. This included visiting Arthur's Seat. Its an 823 meter high mountain with basically the greatest view ever. We actually saw white caps in the distance. We then went to this famous graveyard/monument place. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called though. There was a monument to Abraham Lincoln though! That night we then went and watched some American football at a pub and met some Scots. They were awesome football fans. Waterhouse showed me some awesome times in Edinburgh, even though I lost in fantasy football. My journeys then took me to Frankfurt to visit family. Oh, and when I turned my computer on, Saturday morning to be exact, everything started to not work and now it won't turn on. BOOOOO! Frankfurt post will be next!

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