Tuesday, November 9, 2010


OK so I obviously haven't blogged in about a billion blog years. That is around 2.5 weeks in the real world. But at least I have been able to understand what life is like without a computer.

It sucks sometimes.

My trips to Edinburgh, Frankfurt, and now Paris, have been a time of no documentation due to this unbearable disability I have recently acquired. If you at any time decided to read my last post, you may have noticed that I was going to see Alex Waterhouse in Edinburgh for the weekend. I took my computer so that 1) I could register for classes and 2) So I could blog about my time. Unfortunately that dream I used to dream ended within the first 5 minutes sitting on the train to Edinburgh.

So I will now, in subsequent posts within the next few days, try to write what happened during my trips to Edinburgh, Frankfurt, and Paris. I will of course not forget the important details of my first week of internship. I will start with Edinburgh.

So it was MAD easy to get to Kings Cross Station to catch the train. I know you all were like pissing your pants to find out if I made it. The train got to the platform early, I got a nice window seat, a cup of coffee, and got ready to use my 15 minutes of free internet. But lets be clear, of the 15 minutes I used, it was pretty much the slowest of the slow. Like worse than Andrew Feierman's in South Africa.

So I was sitting in my nice seat, minding my own beeswax, trying to finish my coffee before the train left the platform, when the unthinkable happened. OK not unthinkable, but unlucky. The guy who has the seat next to me comes to sit down after his long day of whatever the hell he does with a couple of bags. He takes one of his bags off in an ENTIRELY DISPLEASING manner. He basically swings it down off his shoulder and hits my coffee in the process. My coffee then spills on my computer, and I exclaim, "Oh God Damnit!" I try desperately to turn the computer over, get the coffee off the keyboard, hoping that it will all work. The guy says he's sorry profusely, probably not enough considering the end result of this episode, but he seemed sincere. Then I left the computer off for the rest of the trip in order to let it dry out/not short-circuit.

I have to borrow someone else's computer so I'll finish this thang later peeps.

1 comment:

  1. my internets might be slow but they can still be insulted. africa hates you now
