Friday, October 22, 2010

45% Fusion: Wastedhouse Here We Come

This past week and a half has been one of the absolute busiest I've experienced since in London by far. The largest reasoning behind this BS excuse why I haven't blogged lately is because two of the courses I am taking have decided to END. If any of you recall this craziness of a semester and its academic setup, you will recall that I am taking three academic classes, two of which last a whopping 7 weeks. That means a semester's worth of material, six hours of class per week, and whatever the professor decides I need to read/write/watch/talk about.

My Media in Britain class has been probably the biggest joke. For some reason I know more about the themes, class struggles, and characters in TV shows and movies than anyone in the class. Although this is a Comm class in the end, I am deeply disturbed by the inability of Comm majors to actually answer questions the professor asks pertaining to these topics. They even have trouble with the news questions! I mean I know that a Comm major is generally not seen as requiring the same analytical skills as others, but I became increasingly disappointed with how true that stereotype became. I mean, no offense to AU Comm majors fa sho, since I was the only AU person in my class. I just finished a final paper on the characters in The Office UK and The Inbetweeners, which to my knowledge did not increase my own knowledge at all. Other than that I loved the class! A career in analyzing movies and/or TV shows would be easy peasy lemon squeezy.

My British Politics class has been not only a nightmare of sarcasm and cynicism from my elitist British professor, but he also decided to have the last week of class combine a 15 minute presentation and a final. This dude, for a job, sits and reads government documents. If anyone will hate the way I generalize and tend to avoid specifics in papers and presentations, it'll most definitely be him. He also seems to have a style all his own everyday. One thing he loves to do is NOT match all of his clothing. His socks are always especially flashy and out of this world. We're talking Alice and Wonderland crazy colored stuff right here people. Or maybe crazy Wicked Witch of the East socks? I really just cannot decide. Maybe if I thought everything was corrupt except the BBC I would do that as well.

Just finished studying for all that nonsense, which I can only hope will lead to good grades and prosperity. The other activities I have recently participated in over the last week or so included a specific highlight of seeing the Social Network. Overall a wonderful movie that makes it seem like if you make enough money you can do whatever you want and ostracize those closest to you so you can make more money. Yeah...I guess that actually does make sense.

I also got to play in a beginners tournament with the Imperial College Ultimate Team. I showed up bright and early on a Sunday morning, 9 am to be exact, after being a real champ the night before. No I don't have pictures, but yes my eyes were completely bloodshot. The rules were as follows:
1) If you were an experienced player you had to wear a hat on the field
2) There could only be two experienced players on the field at a time
3) Beat really obnoxious British kids who think they're the shit at ultimate

Imperial had two teams at the tournament in order to get everyone the most playing time, and my team was the BOMB. I kind of came late so I was quickly picked up by this cool dude Ming who was basically the first person I met associated with the team. And yes, he's like every other asian handler. Really really good. If anyone would like to know what I looked like in a hat(since I am not a regular hat wearer by far) here it is.

Yep ladies and gents. That is the unforgettable Shay Longtain. I wore my flatmate's AU hat backwards just like that azzhole would have done.

So my team, as I said before, was quite good. Had a couple tall kids who could run and could NOT huck to because that would be silly. We beat Kings College, some college that wore blue, LSE, and some group of kids and really experienced handlers who ran me to shit. It was really fun playing LSE because there was a certain asian handler who thought he was awesome but could have used some serious work. After watching him throw the dumbest fakes I have ever seen, I decided to match up on him and shut his British butt down. It was actually a lot of fun to have some sort of challenge to match up against, but I think I might have overestimated the challenge. It was fun to beat him up line by 10 yards though!

The next most awesome game came from playing in the finals of the tournament. We were playing a UCL team, which meant I really really needed to win. Michelle is going to UCL so it would be extremely embarrassing to lose to them at all. Long story shorter, it was a game of comebacks. We go up 4-0 right off the bat with some nice quick scores. They then proceed to go up 7-4. Omg I was so mad. One point I was guarding this kid, their main handler, and I called a pick. The play continued since no one else knew what to do, and one throw later my guy dropped the disc. He proceeded to argue that it was not a turn because I called the pick, which then distracted him from catching the disc. He was wrong and I proceeded to teach him a lesson in the rule book(it felt so awesome to tell a Brit he was wrong!). So we brought it back to 7-7. That meant universe point. There were like 4 turns per team in the point, and in the end we lost. AAAaaaaaargh!!!!! Luckily Michelle is nice so she didn't rub it in TOO much.

The real exciting stuff I am doing is traveling! This week coming up is my fall break! That means I'm going to Edinburgh to visit Waterhouse after class tomorrow, and then I am going to visit my family in Frankfurt on Monday night for the rest of the break. I am super super psyched for both of these activities and cannot wait to get everything underway after my final tomorrow morning. I'll try to update and let everyone know how plan Wastedhouse is coming on Sunday. I secured an agreement from that dude to do a scotch whisky distillery tour on Saturday, so I am real excited to do something with this dude that involves drinking hard liquors. Needless to say this will be no Tenley experience. On that note, peace out homes. I gotta get some sleep, pack, get on a train, and start edinburgh chillin'.

Oh, and about the 45% fusion figure. I went to The Globe Theatre the other day, and my classes are kind of signaling a halfway point in the program. I also think Iran would be really jealous at my ability to fuse with the culture, so 45% is a perfect number(and yes that means it was arbitrarily and randomly decided upon).

Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe Waterhouse!

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