Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big England Weekend

Hey Everybody! Sorry for the lack of posting on my own blog, but this weekend proceeded to be one of constantly awesome experiences that I will not soon forget. It all began with the holy pope coming by the area and ended with a visit to the Tate Modern.

My Friday started off with class, but ended with a great trip to Westminster Abbey with my flatmate Alex Ronchetti to see the Pope. At first we arrived at the St. James Park stop and asked a London Cop where to go. We only needed to mention the Pope, and he knew exactly where to point us. We proceeded to walk down the road towards the glorious Westminster Abbey, and saw a large crowd of people lining the street. Ronchetti and I knew we had arrived at the right place!

But not so fast, because not too many people where lined up where we decided to post up. Someone next to us was thinking the same thing, so we got up the courage to ask/bother another copper about where we should be headed to see his Holiness. He said to head further down the road because the Popemobile was transporting him from a different direction, so we traveled just down the road, where we discovered a bunch of protestors and a lot more of the crowd.

Anyway, in the end, we waited for two hours and got to see the Pope travel 15 feet away from us in his Popemobile! He even kissed a baby just before he passed us, which was really cool. He seemed like a guy who liked to wave from inside his bubble of bulletproof glass.

Saturday I woke up in the early early morning(7:30 am!!!) to take a coach bus trip to Stonehenge and the lovely city of Bath. It takes only about 1.5 hours to get to Stonehenge and it was definitely worth the nap time. Once you get out of London the countryside simply takes over. It turns from the city to cow and sheep country extremely fast, and is really pretty to travel through. When we got to Stonehenge, it was really pretty underwhelming. Although Stonehenge has a lot of cool history and mystery surrounding the structure, you really couldn't do much but look at it and take pictures. I'm really glad I went though, just to be fair.

We then left to travel to Bath, which is apparently the prettiest city in all of England. I have to say, I think it was the prettiest city because of simply its location and the way it was built.
The Romans first settled in Bath when they colonized England because of its naturally running hot springs.
They built a large complex of Roman baths, that to this day remain the only Roman baths still actually working. This is because the hot spring still runs today. We visited the Roman baths and were able to walk around where the Romans used to walk...and take baths naked.

Unfortunately we were all EXTREMELY tired at this point in the day after deciding to go clubbing the night before at a place called the Ministry of Sound. It was a lot of fun, but that morning was really no fun at all. Cierra and I decided to go get some lunch and have a couple drinks before visiting a little more of Bath. After having Pimms for the first time(its soooo good) we went and saw a street performer for a little bit. He really wasn't very good, but the kids liked him because he was funny. I then went into Bath Abbey, which is where the first King of the English was crowned.
 It was a huge place and I think actually a little bigger than the National Cathedral in DC.

We then left to go back to London at around 3:30 pm, which meant some great nap time on the way back. We then proceeded to get ready to go out that night to a BUMPIN' club called Fabric. The place had rooms galore with smoke spilling out onto the dance floor. It was a crazy night where I had a lot of fun dancing and getting real Jersey Shore in London.

The craziest part about the night club was some guy came up to me, started a conversation, then kissed me on the neck. SOOOOOOOO weird as I proceeded to strongly tell him to GTFO. Other than that, great night with the flat mates.

Sunday morning was also pretty rough, but for a good reason. Michelle came in to Heathrow that morning! The funny part is that when I got back from the club, it was 4 am, and everyone said I should just stay up until 8 when I had to pick her up at the airport. I didn't do it, but it was an interesting proposition. Anyway, the rest of the day with Michelle was amazing, as seeing your girl after 1 month apart would be, and I tried to help her move into her room at UCL.

On Monday, Michelle and I proceeded to go to the awesome London Eye. Pretty much a great view of the entire city of London. I'll try to upload pictures, but my camera is currently having issues. Today, for my British Life and Cultures class, we went to the Tate Modern. Its a modern art museum, which isn't my fav place to visit, but I had some fun. Alrighty, Imma stop talking and start doing some work. Gotta get it done before college night at O'Neal's! Everyone should also check out DJ Pauly D's new song because it is really awful. Enjoy!

Modern Family premiers Wednesday!

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